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What Your Loan Approval Says About You part 2

What Your Loan Approval Says About You Behind every loan approval, there stands great information about a client. It’s not just about how much money you make or how good your credit score is, it’s also about your financial habits and personality traits. So, what does your loan approval say about you? First off, if […]

What Your Loan Approval Says About You

What Your Loan Approval Says About You Behind every loan approval, there stands great information about a client. It’s not just about how much money you make or how good your credit score is, it’s also about your financial habits and personality traits. So, what does your loan approval say about you? First off, if […]

When the Going Gets Tough: Dealing with Loan Defaults in Kenya

When the Going Gets Tough: Dealing with Loan Defaults in Kenya It’s no secret that Kenya’s economy has been struggling lately, and unfortunately, many individuals are feeling the brunt of it. As the cost of living continues to rise, more and more people are finding themselves unable to keep up with loan payments. According to […]

Why Taking Business Loans is the Best Decision You’ll Ever Make

Why Taking Business Loans is the Best Decision You’ll Ever Make Starting a business is a major decision, and getting the funds to get it off the ground can be challenging. However, taking out a business loan can be the turning point for your business. Here are some reasons why: 1. You get the funds […]

5 Reasons Why Getting a Loan Can Be a Good Idea

5 Reasons Why Getting a Loan Can Be a Good Idea Are you considering getting a loan but feeling hesitant? We understand that taking out a loan can be a big decision, but it can also be a smart financial move. Here are five reasons why getting a loan can be a good idea: 1. […]

Why Our Loans are the Best Thing Since Sliced Bread

Why Our Loans are the Best Thing Since Sliced Bread Looking for a source of funding? Look no further! Our loans are the best thing since sliced bread. But what makes our loans so special? For starters, we offer a wide range of loan options to fit your unique needs. Whether you need a personal […]